The jacaranda trees bloom here in Leshan, and the romance of early summer is here!

2024-05-20 09:25:45 | view:

In the early summer of Emei, flowers are in full bloom, in this romantic season, the jacaranda trees give us a different surprise. Come on, let's follow the reporter's camera and fall into a blue and purple dream together!



Recently, the reporter saw in Shengli Avenue, both sides of the road, the jacaranda trees in full bloom, looking around, full of blue and purple flowers, as if a cloud hanging in the branches. When the wind picks up, the petals gently fall, which is really a dream-like visual feast.This beautiful sight attracted many passersby to stop and admire and take photos.



It is understood that this about two kilometers of road, a total of more than 200 jacaranda trees and it is the visitors to enjoy the flowers of the main ornamental spots. In addition, many roads in the city such as Emei No.2 Primary School and Emei No.1 Primary School are also planted with these beautiful trees. Come to encounter this purple romance while the flowers are in full bloom.

