Leshan may add a new national 4A-level tourist attraction

2024-05-08 10:18:47 | view:

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Leshan may add a National 4A level tourist attractions, take a look


Sichuan Province Tourism Resources Planning and Development Quality Assessment Committee

On the proposed determination of Leshan City, Mu Chuan County, Mu Chuan Bamboo Sea Tourism Scenic Spot and other 9 scenic spots for the national 4A level tourist attractions public notice


According to the "quality level of tourist attractions division and rating" and "quality level management of tourist attractions" national standards, by the city (state) travel commission (Jing assessment committee) recommended by the Sichuan Province Tourism Resources Planning and Development Quality Assessment Committee 2024 the first meeting of the study, Leshan City, Mu Chuan County, Mu Chuan Bamboo Sea Tourism Scenic Spot and other 9 tourist attractions to meet the national standard requirements of the 4A tourist attractions, to be determined as the National 4A level tourist attractions, is now publicized. Publicity period of 7 working days (May 6, 2024 to May 13), if there are objections to the public scenic area, you can email (swltzykfc2021@163.com) or telephone (028-86703708) to reflect the situation.


Sichuan Province Tourism Resources Planning and Development Quality Assessment Committee

May 6, 2024


Mu Chuan Bamboo Sea

Located in Yongfu Town on National Highway 213, southeast of Muchuan County, it is 20 kilometers away from Muchuan County, 120 kilometers away from Leshan, and more than 200 kilometers away from Chengdu City. Scenic area belongs to Danxia landform, the average altitude of 450 meters, the central tourist area of forest and bamboo area of more than 10 square kilometers. The rolling hills and valleys between the pieces of bamboo more than 100,000 acres, the breeze blowing, green waves rippling, so the name of the bamboo sea.


The scenic spot has more than 70 attractions such as "Xiao Dong Fei Hong", the thrilling "Wear hole Zi Jiutuo eighteen beaches", the Yongxing Lake where the mountain and water are united, the Yongxing Temple which is hidden in the mountains, the mysterious Taoyuan Cave, etc. There are also the wild monkeys, squirrels, suoluo tree and other rare animals and plants. Watching the sunrise and listening to the sound of the waves make people enjoy their eyes and forget to come back; at the same time, the air in the "Bamboo Sea" is fresh all year round, and it is known as the "natural oxygen bar".