Taking photos looks great! When the "Maillard" blows into Leshan, the scenery turns more beautiful

2023-11-20 16:19:59 | view:

If we say

“Dopamine” is the rhythm of summer

So “Maillard” is a manifestation of early winter

When the wind of 'Maillard' blows into Leshan

What kind of chemical reaction will occur

Warmth and depression embrace

Warm and cold tones collide

Let's unlock the code of Leshan's early winter scenery!

01 Qianwei Lujia Village

On the day of early winter, when ginkgo biloba blooms, the golden yellow under the sun is really beautiful, with various surprising colors interspersed, quiet and gorgeous, becoming the most beautiful scenery of this season.

This ginkgo forest has become a painting scroll, and in the "Golden Avenue", the green and yellow light and shadow make people's eyes shine. Although it is early winter, it is like the freshness of early spring!


02 Heizhugou

Although the beginning of winter has passed, the autumn color of Heizhugou remains unchanged. The atmosphere of late autumn has not yet dissipated, and various colors converge here, still brilliant and colorful.

The wind blows open the blue sky, and the Heizhugou Scenic Area presents a clever collision of autumn and winter. The hills are covered in red and shining gold, beautiful!


03 Mount Emei

In November, the winding mountain road of Mount Emei has become a vast and magnificent red feast. At this moment, in the mountains, red leaves are like burning flames!

The wind is blowing the red leaves, as if thousands of elves are dancing in the forest. The "red raindrops" falling in the forest have laid a soft carpet, and I can't help but want to go up and take a walk.



04 Dawa Mountain Wetland Park

The park is located in the Jinkouhe District of Leshan City, with numerous natural lakes and swamps, and abundant water resources. Therefore, it has created abundant wildlife and plant resources, as well as a rare and magnificent scenery.

The super-large area of red leaf forest grows incomparably lush, and the numerous lakes water sources, reflecting the mountain full of red leaves give double the shock! "The remnant of the sun reflected in the river, the sunlight sprinkled, sparkling; half of the -river showed a deep turquoise color, half showed red." It is the truest portrayal of the park.


05 Wuyou Temple

Grass and trees withered, everything depressed, only chrysanthemums become the most distinctive colors, in the Wuyou Temple, tens of thousands of pots of chrysanthemums have bloomed as scheduled!

The red, yellow, and purple chrysanthemums complement the red walls and green tiles of the temple, creating a unique fusion and charm in the Zen realm!



06 Jiayang Cyathea Lake Scenic Area

On the railroad line from Basho Gou to Hwangchunjing, 1km of Metasequoia forests line both sides of the railroad like sentinels, and the leaves are yellowing and slowly turning red, which is breathtakingly beautiful under the warmth of the sun!

When the crisp train whistle sounds in the mountain forest of Bajiaogou, it feels like time has gone back, and the mood has become peaceful and simple. The small train paired with metasequoia is a different scenery and a different mood!


Warm sun shining in the sky 

Come to Leshan on the weekend

Encounter 'Maillard'

Collision with Color Aesthetics